BCBS Prefix List CAA-CZZ (2023)

BCBS Prefix list CAA-CZZ is updated as per latest information gathered from authorized sources and portals.

BCBS Prefix List CAA-CZZ

PrefixBCBS PlanState
CAACarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CABAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsin
CACAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CADBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CAEEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CAFBCBS of MississippiMississippi
CAGBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CAHAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CAIAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CAJWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CAKBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CALBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CAMHighmark BCBS of West VirginiaWest Virginia
CANBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CAONo AssignmentNo Assignment
CAPBCBS of TexasTexas
CAQPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CARAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsin
CASBCBS of TexasTexas
CATIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CAUCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CAVPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CAWBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CAXAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CAYBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CAZBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CBAAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CBBBCBS of TexasTexas
CBCNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CBDHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CBENo AssignmentNo Assignment
CBFAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CBGBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CBHAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
CBIAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CBJBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CBKAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CBLNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CBMAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CBNNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CBOBCBS of LouisianaLouisiana
CBPAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CBQAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CBRAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsin
CBSAnthem BCBS of New HampshireNew Hampshire
CBTAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CBUHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jersey
CBVBCBS of LouisianaLouisiana
CBWAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
CBXNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CBYBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CBZHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jersey
CCAEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CCBCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CCCBlueNo AssignmentCross of IdahoIdaho
CCDBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CCENo AssignmentNo Assignment
CCFBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CCGNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CCHWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CCIBCBS of MichiganMichigan
CCJBCBS of MichiganMichigan
CCKBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CCLBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CCMBCBS of TexasTexas
CCNNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CCOIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CCPNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CCQIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CCRWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CCSNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CCTNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CCUNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CCVAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CCWCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CCXBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CCYWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CCZBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CDABCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CDBNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CDCBCBS of ArizonaArizona
CDDNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CDENo AssignmentNo Assignment
CDFAnthem BCBS of KentuckyKentucky
CDGWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CDHNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CDICarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CDJAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CDKEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CDLCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CDMHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CDNArkansas BCBSArkansas
CDOWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CDPWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CDQIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CDRCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CDSBlueNo AssignmentShield of Northeastern New YorkNew York (Northeastern)
CDTAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticut
CDUBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CDVBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CDWBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CDXBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CDYCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CDZIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CEAAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CEBWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CECBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CEDBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CEEBCBS of TexasTexas
CEFAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CEGCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CEHBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CEICarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CEJBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CEKNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CELBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CEMAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CENNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CEOBCBS of NebraskaNebraska
CEPBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CEQWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CERNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CESBCBS of LouisianaLouisiana
CETBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CEUNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CEVBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CEWWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CEXBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CEYBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CEZBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CFAIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CFBWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CFCAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CFDAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CFEBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CFFHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CFGBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CFHAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CFICarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CFJWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CFKWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CFLBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CFMBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CFNBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CFOCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CFPNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CFQNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CFRBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CFSHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jersey
CFTEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CFUCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CFVWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CFWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CFXPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CFYAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CFZAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CGAAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CGBBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CGCBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CGDBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CGEBCBS of TexasTexas
CGFBCBS of ArizonaArizona
CGGAnthem BCBS of KentuckyKentucky
CGHAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CGIWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CGJBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CGKCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CGLBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CGMNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CGNBCBS of NebraskaNebraska
CGOBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CGPExcellus BCBS of New YorkNew York
CGQBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CGRCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CGSAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CGTAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticut
CGUNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CGVCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CGWBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CGXAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CGYFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CGZAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CHABCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CHBBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CHCCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CHDCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CHENo AssignmentNo Assignment
CHFBCBS of TexasTexas
CHGBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CHHBCBS of TennesseeTennessee
CHINo AssignmentNo Assignment
CHJNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CHKWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CHLAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CHMBCBS of NebraskaNebraska
CHNNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CHOBCBS of LouisianaLouisiana
CHPCapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CHQAnthem BCBS of KentuckyKentucky
CHRBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CHSBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CHTBCBS of TennesseeTennessee
CHUCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CHVBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CHWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CHXBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CHYBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CHZNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CIACarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CIBBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CICCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CIDBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CIEWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CIFBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CIGNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CIHCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CIIAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CIJBlueNo AssignmentCross of IdahoIdaho
CIKCapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CILNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CIMNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CINCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CIOCapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CIPBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CIQBCBS of TennesseeTennessee
CIRPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CISRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CITFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CIUAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CIVCapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CIWAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CIXAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CIYFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CIZCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CJAIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CJBBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CJCAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CJDNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CJEEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CJFBCBS of NebraskaNebraska
CJGBCBS of Kansas CityKansas City
CJHBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CJIHighmark BCBS of West VirginiaWest Virginia
CJJPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CJKBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CJLEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CJMFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CJNFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CJOAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CJPNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CJQBlueNo AssignmentCross of IdahoIdaho
CJRAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsin
CJSBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CJTBCBS of TexasTexas
CJUBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CJVEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CJWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CJXAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CJYAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CJZWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CKACarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CKBAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CKCNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CKDNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CKEBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CKFNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CKGBCBS of TennesseeTennessee
CKHAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CKIAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CKJAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CKKNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CKLCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CKMHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CKNRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CKOBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CKPBCBS of TexasTexas
CKQAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CKRBCBS of TennesseeTennessee
CKSAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CKTNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CKUAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CKVAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CKWAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CKXBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CKYBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CKZNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CLANo AssignmentNo Assignment
CLBBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CLCBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CLDAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CLEBCBS of TexasTexas
CLFAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CLGNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CLHExcellus BCBS of New YorkNew York
CLIWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CLJAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CLKNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CLLAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CLMWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CLNBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CLOBCBS of MississippiMississippi
CLPNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CLQNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CLRPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CLSBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CLTWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CLUAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CLVCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CLWAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CLXNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CLYWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CLZCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CMABCBS of MichiganMichigan
CMBAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CMCWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CMDAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CMEBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CMFWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CMGWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CMHBCBS of TennesseeTennessee
CMIIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CMJAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CMKAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CMLNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CMMBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CMNBlueNo AssignmentShield of Northeastern New YorkNew York (Northeastern)
CMONo AssignmentNo Assignment
CMPBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CMQRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CMRBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CMSBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CMTAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CMUHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CMVBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CMWWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CMXExcellus BCBS of New YorkNew York
CMYBlueNo AssignmentCross of IdahoIdaho
CMZAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CNANo AssignmentNo Assignment
CNBAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CNCBCBS of TexasTexas
CNDNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CNEWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CNFWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CNGHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CNHAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CNIBCBS of TexasTexas
CNJBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CNKWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CNLBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CNMHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CNNNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CNONo AssignmentNo Assignment
CNPNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CNQNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CNRCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CNSNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CNTBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CNUCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CNVBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CNWCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CNXBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CNYAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CNZBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
COACapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
COBBCBS of TexasTexas
COCCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CODAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
COENo AssignmentNo Assignment
COFNo AssignmentNo Assignment
COGAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
COHNo AssignmentNo Assignment
COINo AssignmentNo Assignment
COJBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
COKNo AssignmentNo Assignment
COLNo AssignmentNo Assignment
COMBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CONBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
COOBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
COPBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
COQNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CORNo AssignmentNo Assignment
COSIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
COTBlueNo AssignmentCross of IdahoIdaho
COUNo AssignmentNo Assignment
COVBCBS of ArizonaArizona
COWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
COXBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
COYCapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
COZNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CPABCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CPBCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CPCBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CPDBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CPEBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CPFBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CPGBlueNo AssignmentShield of Northeastern New YorkNew York (Northeastern)
CPHBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CPINo AssignmentNo Assignment
CPJCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CPKRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CPLBCBS of Kansas CityKansas City
CPMCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CPNCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CPONo AssignmentNo Assignment
CPPWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CPQAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CPRAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CPSBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CPTAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CPUBCBS of NebraskaNebraska
CPVAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CPWWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CPXNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CPYBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CPZBlueNo AssignmentShield of Northeastern New YorkNew York (Northeastern)
CQAIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CQBAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CQCNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQDNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQEAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CQFNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQGNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQHRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CQICarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CQJBCBS of TexasTexas
CQKBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CQLNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQMHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CQNBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CQOCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CQPNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQQAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
CQRNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQSBCBS of Western New YorkNew York (Western)
CQTNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQUNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQVWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CQWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CQXIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CQYWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CQZNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CRACapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CRBBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CRCCapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CRDNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CREBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CRFBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CRGBCBS of TexasTexas
CRHBCBS of MichiganMichigan
CRIAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CRJNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CRKBCBS of TexasTexas
CRLExcellus BCBS of New YorkNew York
CRMBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CRNBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CROAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CRPBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CRQAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsin
CRRAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CRSPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CRTNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CRUBCBS of Western New YorkNew York (Western)
CRVNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CRWAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CRXBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CRYBCBS of TennesseeTennessee
CRZBCBS of TexasTexas
CSABCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CSBBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CSCFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CSDCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CSENo AssignmentNo Assignment
CSFAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
CSGAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CSHAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CSIBCBS of Kansas CityKansas City
CSJAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CSKWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CSLHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jersey
CSMArkansas BCBSArkansas
CSNNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CSOCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CSPExcellus BCBS of New YorkNew York
CSQAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CSRBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CSSAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
CSTAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
CSURegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CSVAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CSWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CSXWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CSYNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CSZBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CTABCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CTBBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CTCBCBS of OklahomaOklahoma
CTDAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CTENo AssignmentNo Assignment
CTFBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CTGAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticut
CTHBCBS of South CarolinaSouth Carolina
CTIBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CTJAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CTKCapital BlueNo AssignmentCross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CTLBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CTMBlueNo AssignmentCross of IdahoIdaho
CTNNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CTOBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CTPNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CTQBCBS of Western New YorkNew York (Western)
CTRAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CTSBCBS of NebraskaNebraska
CTTPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CTUBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CTVNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CTWPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CTXBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CTYBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CTZBCBS of ArizonaArizona
CUANo AssignmentNo Assignment
CUBExcellus BCBS of New YorkNew York
CUCNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CUDBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CUENo AssignmentNo Assignment
CUFBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CUGWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CUHAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
CUIIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CUJNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CUKBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CULNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CUMNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CUNHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CUOIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CUPWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CUQBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CURBCBS of Western New YorkNew York (Western)
CUSIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CUTBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CUUBCBS of TexasTexas
CUVBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CUWWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CUXRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CUYRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CUZAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CVAAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CVBFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CVCBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CVDCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CVEAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CVFAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CVGAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CVHNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CVIBCBS of AlabamaAlabama
CVJFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CVKFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CVLRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CVMAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsin
CVNAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticut
CVOAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CVPAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CVQNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CVRAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CVSWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CVTCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CVUAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CVVCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CVWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CVXBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CVYAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CVZWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CWACarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CWBAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CWCNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CWDWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CWEBCBS of MichiganMichigan
CWFBlueNo AssignmentCross of IdahoIdaho
CWGAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CWHAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CWIBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CWJNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CWKBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CWLNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CWMHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CWNCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CWOBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CWPBCBS of TexasTexas
CWQAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CWRAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsin
CWSAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CWTBCBS of TexasTexas
CWUCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CWVCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CWWWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CWXAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissouri
CWYWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CWZEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CXANo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXBBlueNo AssignmentCross of IdahoIdaho
CXCBCBS of Rhode IslandRhode Island
CXDBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CXENo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXFPremera BlueNo AssignmentCross of AlaskaAlaska
CXGBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CXHBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CXIBCBS of NebraskaNebraska
CXJExcellus BCBS of New YorkNew York
CXKBCBS of TexasTexas
CXLNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXMNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXNNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXOArkansas BCBSArkansas
CXPBCBS of TexasTexas
CXQWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CXRBCBS of Rhode IslandRhode Island
CXSAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CXTBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CXUNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXVNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXXBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CXYNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CXZCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CYABCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CYBBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CYCBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CYDNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CYERegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CYFNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CYGFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CYHNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CYIBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CYJAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CYKFloridaNo AssignmentBlueFlorida
CYLBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CYMNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CYNNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CYOBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
CYPBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CYQIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CYRBCBS of TexasTexas
CYSBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
CYTAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
CYUEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
CYVRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CYWNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CYXBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CYYBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CYZRegence BCBSIdaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington
CZAAnthem BCBS of KentuckyKentucky
CZBAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
CZCAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticut
CZDNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CZEBCBS of TexasTexas
CZFNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CZGCarefirst BCBSDistrict of Columbia, Maryland
CZHAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticut
CZIBlueNo AssignmentShield of CaliforniaCalifornia
CZJNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CZKAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginia
CZLNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CZMNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CZNIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CZONo AssignmentNo Assignment
CZPAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CZQAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
CZRWellmark BCBSIowa, South Dakota
CZSIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CZTAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticut
CZUAnthem BlueNo AssignmentCrossCalifornia
CZVIndependence BlueNo AssignmentCross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
CZWBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesota
CZXNo AssignmentNo Assignment
CZYBCBS of North CarolinaNorth Carolina
CZZNo AssignmentNo Assignment
BCBS Prefix List CAA-CZZ

Note- BCBS Alpha Prefix CAA-CZZ, all information is collected from reliable sources like www.bcbs.com , etc. If there is any discrepancy please contact us via contact page.